Friday, September 10, 2010

She's Been Very Busy!

Today I am bragging a little about my one and only favorite daughter! Rachel is a very industrious young lady. She loves to paint, draw, anything creative.  From the time she was big enough to hold a crayon, she wanted to draw. Her elementary art teacher said she has a special way of observing and putting to paper her interpretation of the world around her. It's really sad she could not continue her art classes in the high school she attends, but that has not stopped her from doing what she loves! 

She has been offered a spot in a little shop here in our hometown to display her items.  We will have our annual town festival this Saturday, so hopefully this little shop will have some traffic.  She is saving the money she has made, and hopefully will make, to buy herself a laptop! 

Enjoy looking at her creations that are pictured below, and also, please visit her blog, You can also find it by clicking on the post on my sidebar.  She has taught me a lot about these blogs, computers are her thing, too!  So, please visit and leave her some comments!  (P.S. She would also love some new followers!)  Trust me, you will not be disappointed! Thanks!

Her favorite medium to paint on . . .tin, old rusty tin! Her pappaw keeps her supplied with it.

Look below to see one of her tin creations! (It's my favorite)  :)

It was also the favorite of the lady who owns the shop! Rachel's first customer, the shop owner! Plus, she commissioned her to paint one for her patio area!  My baby-girl was excited!

Two more of her tin pieces! The coffee for 5 cents is going behind my coffee-maker.

One of her canvas pieces. Even the picture tabs were hand-made. She loves the details!

This picture frame she bought had been painted the turquoise color.  She was going to distress it with the white, but when she applied it, she did not have to do anything to it!  It crackled and distressed itself! Mission accomplished!  Only job left to do, add the cork and she's ready to go!

About this one . . . we get inspiration from many, many things. Sometimes from pictures in calendars, a beach towel, other people, our favorite place in the world--which is Florida! We were in a souvenir shop when I saw a similar picture.  I told Rachel, "You can paint that."  Well, when we got home that's exactly what she did! How do you like it? I love it!

A few more I snapped quick pictures of before she took them to the little shop.

I am very proud of my daughter and truly loved featuring her today.

 Please hop over and visit her, she loves company! 

Linky Parties Today:
Please check out the other fabulous ideas at
 Look at Me, I'm so Crafty @ It's Fun to Craft
Frugalicious Friday@Finding Fabulous


  1. Thanks for your kind words over at my blog! You are a very proud mum indeed, I'm gona pop over right now to check out Rachel's creations :D

  2. Hi, You have a talented daughter. I like the cross, the coffee cup, Ok I like all of them. I'm going to pop over and check Rachel's blog out. I'm going to follow you also. Thanks for stopping by.
    The Swedish Room

  3. I really love the cross one! I'd love to have it up at my house!! :) I'm gonna go pop in on her now! Thanks for sharing your daughter with us!!

  4. Hi Lisa! Enjoyed your comment at He Calls Me Coachette! Thanks for sharing that amazing story. Where are you? Texas?

    I loved Rachel's cross! It's easy to see with the shop owner, comment's above and myself that she couls sell all she could make. I want want too! I left her a message. Etsy might be a great place to sell them too! I'd love to know their size and cost! Talk again soon!


  5. Oh my goodness! These are fabulous. She has a lot of talent and I hope she continues to create. I'm going to go visit her blog. Thanks for visiting me too;-) I'm also going over to visit your jewelry blog!
